Sunday, June 14, 2009

MS1000 cheapskate DIY Variant(Prototype extremely ugly)

^ Distancers stuck on with ugly tape ^

^ Distancers and driver exposed ^

^ Overall look ^
Firstly,for those of you who haven't heard about the MS1000,read more about it here.

I had always been intrigued by the wide variety of mods avaliable for the MS1 and other Grado Headphones and today was my first step into them.

So this mod was done out of pure boredom and curiosity.I had a bottle of colour pencils lying around and they had this plastic cap.I took the risk and violently raped cut the covering out,leaving me with the sides of the plastic.I stuck it on to one side of my MS-1 using some black tape(ugly) and capped the stock pads on and listened. First impressions were,the bass was less impactful but also less fatiguing to listen to(sounded like the bass with the Voyager) .The soundstage also opened up by quite a big margin.I'm not good at describing sound and thus this "impression explaining" will be quite a shallow one.

One thing is,instead of the small 12-14mm height of the normal wooden distancers,mine is about 20+mm in height and it dosen't have that hump at the top(for holding the pads) but I think it works fine now.I should be getting PVC pipes to replace the bottle cover and I will find a way to secure the pads.

Watch this space for more updates on this mod.
(Pardon the shitty camera pics)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sennheiser HD800 Post-audition impressions !

Hey world !

I just came back from auditioning the Sennheiser HD800 and god,the place was damn comfortable.

I was ushered into the lounge where a waiter served me drinks and finger food(chips...of which I only ate 1 piece before they called me in. :X)The lounge was very dim but ambient .. couldn't even see the face of the guy who was talking to the people inside.

He told me I was the youngest(bleagh xD) ..and he reads the Jaben forums so he knew who I am,haha.

After awhile we got brought in to the glass room thingy by an escort(high class :D ) and they closed the glass door (claustrophobic,anybody?) ,played the introduction(of which I spent the time taking pictures) and then the audition started.... After approx. 5 songs later (short!) the session ended and we were brought out(by an escort again) to the counter of which we talked to the Sennheiser GM/CEO(whatever) and he asked us for our talk abit and went home.

The setup : T & A SACD Player > Lehmann Audio Linear Headphone Preamp > Sennheiser HD800

Lehhman Audio Linear Headphone Preamp

Oh yeah I made friends with the guy auditioning with me :D


I loved the soundstage(duh) and the seperation but I think they could do better with the highs...
Too short a listen to give a long and detailed impression :/

Oh yeah,the comfort is obviously a +++ . Very comfortable for such big cans...It operates on a open air principle though so it sounds like shit when you put your hands at the grills...but not as bad as to the MS-1s.Thats info you don't need to know cause no idiot covers their open air headphones.

I shall not be a spoiler and I will post the pictures only after the whole event is over.
Maybe i'll just post a picture of the HD800 later (Taken with ISO1600 as the room is very dark so expect shake and noise)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Journey Into Spatial Sound...

Ok...Screw this netbook of mine.Ubuntu kills my mood to upload pictures...Much less to say the speed is awful.

I guess this will do for now.I'll add more when i get back XP..

On a side note,how cool Sony invited me to their Bravia product launch. Ugh,i'm not a "TVphile" so i shouldn't be going,yeah?

Journey Into Spastic Spatial Sound...Journey Into Spastic Spatial Sound...Journey Into Spastic Spatial Sound...